Consecutive Sequence Sum

Brute force

  • Iterate all the possibilities.
for(int i =0; i< ary.length ;i ++){
    for(int j =0; j< i ; j++){
        int sum=0;
        for(int k=j;k<i;k++){
            //generate sum starting from j to i.
            sum += ary[k];

How to make Sum of Consecutive Subarrays by using Prefix sum?

Subtracting one prefix sum to another prefix sum will always return the sum of consecutive subarrays in the array. Prefix sum always start from index 0.

  • Let’s say we have an array, like following.

    index =   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    array = [-1, 2, 3,14,-3, 1]
  • Using two prefix sum, We can make any consecutive subarrays.

    prefixSum[a,b) = prefixSum[0,b) - prefixSum[0,a)

    ex ) prefixSum[3,6) = prefixSum[0,6)-prefixSum[0,3)

    => Last index is not included.


HashMap Combined approach

  • Along with the running sum, store all prefix sum into a map.

    Let’s say our running sum is arr[0,7). Using hashmap, we can generate any sum of consecutive subarrays that contains arr[6].

    • runningSum will keep cumulative sum up to current index.
      • Each iteration, add current element to the running sum.
    • prefixSum will contains all cumulative sum before current index.
      • Each iteration, at the end, add current running sum to prefixSum.
    - Running sum = sum(arr[0,4)) 
    - HashMap prefixSum = {sum(arr[0,1)):val, sum(arr[0,2)):val, sum(arr[0,3)):val} 

    (Running sum - prefixSum) can generate consecutive subarrays that contain the last element.

    Ruunning Sum  - Prefix Sum
    sum(arr[0,4)) - sum(arr[0,1)) => arr[1,4)
    sum(arr[0,4)) - sum(arr[0,2)) => arr[2,4)
    sum(arr[0,4)) - sum(arr[0,3)) => arr[3,4)

Time complexity compared to Brute force

  • Brute force : O(n^3)

    for(int i =0; i< ary.length ;i ++){
        for(int j =0; j< i ; j++){
            //we can generate all combination of consecutive subarrays => O(n^2)
            //How we genereate sum ? => we add up all one by one..
            int sum=0;
            for(int k=j;k<i;k++){
                //The worst case, It takes O(n) => O(n^2*n) => O(n^3)
  • Cumulative sum with Hash: O(n)

    for(int i =0; i< ary.length ;i ++){
        //we will update running sum for each iteration, and store that values into hashmap.
        //Using Hashmap, We don't have to generate all consecutive subarrays 
        //but we have to figure out logic first and see if target value is in the map. if it is. => O(1) 
             map.containsKey(calculate(runningSum, target)) 


Leetcode560 : logic - see if running sum exists in prefix sum , meaning running sum - prefix sum ==0 => toal sum of consecutive subarray is 0.

Leetcode974 :


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